Foundations of Machine Learning

The purpose of this course is to provide students with core foundational knowledge to deepen their understanding of machine learning (ML) practices and applications. This course builds understanding of the mathematical foundation needed to create algorithms for use in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The content includes, but is not limited to, foundational knowledge and skills related to computer coding and software development.



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Course Description

The purpose of this course is to provide students with core foundational knowledge to deepen their understanding of machine learning (ML) practices and applications. This course builds understanding of the mathematical foundation needed to create algorithms for use in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The content includes, but is not limited to, foundational knowledge and skills related to computer coding and software development.

Note: Requires purchase of a full year.
Customer-Provided Physical Materials:

  • Any software program that can be used for graphic design, document design, and slide visuals. Options include:
    • Word Online
    • PowerPoint Online
    • Google Slides
  • Free programs:
    • Google Colaboratory (free with an external email account)
    • SQLite (free library to be used within Google Colab)

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